Book Your Service Today!
Clean Air Columbia is committed to providing high quality air duct cleaning services to the families and businesses we serve. Our trained professionals use the suction of our powerful vacuum trucks to pull all the dust and debris safely out of your ductwork as it is loosed up with our air powered dislodgers, keeping the process clean and efficient!. For your peace of mind, we back all our work with a 100% guarantee or your money back.
Clean Air Columbia serves commercial and residential properties in the Columbia, Missouri and Jefferson City, Missouri areas.
Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing excellent service and removing the dust and mold particles that have been lurking in your air ducts.

Duct Leakage Evaluation
This Package includes:
- Comprehensive testing to determine leakage amount
- Report including estimates of energy savings

Airduct Sealing
This Package includes:
- Air Duct Sealing with Aeroseal
- Duct Leakage Evaluation ($79 value)
- 10-year Guarantee!

Sealing/Cleaning Package
This Package includes:
- Complete air duct cleaning for a single hvac system home
- Change filter reminders
- Air Duct Sealing with Aeroseal
- 10-year warranty with Air Duct Sealing!
- Before and after duct leakage report

Sealing/Cleaning Package +
Air Purifier
This Package includes:
- Complete air duct cleaning for a single hvac system home
- Change filter reminders
- Air Duct Sealing With Aeroseal
- 10-year warranty with Air Duct Sealing!
- Before and after duct leakage report
- iWave Air Cleaner