Air Duct Cleaning Specialist

This job entails working with a great team helping to improve indoor air quality in residential homes and commercial buildings. All training is provided and includes:

  • air systems cleaning
  • dryer vent cleaning
  • installing home air filtration products
  • air duct sealing using the patented Aeroseal technology

This is an entry level position with a competitive starting wage, health benefits and retirement package.

At Clean Air Columbia, we want to help create the best possible air quality environment for our customers; here are some of the reason how and why we need Air Duct Cleaning Specialists:

The Purpose:

Air duct cleaning is a service aimed at improving indoor air quality by removing dust, debris, allergens, and contaminants from HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems.

The Process:

  • Involves the cleaning of air ducts, vents, and components such as fans, coils, and registers.
  • Typically uses specialized equipment, including vacuum systems, brushes, and compressed air to dislodge and remove particles.


  • Improved indoor air quality.
  • Possible enhanced energy efficiency as clean systems operate more efficiently.
  • Reduction in dust and allergens circulating throughout the home or building.
  • Reduction of potentially harmful contaminants.

Signs of Needing Help with Air Ducts:

  • Visible mold growth inside ducts or on components.
  • Unexplained spikes in energy bills.
  • Excessive dust buildup around vents or registers.
  • Allergy symptoms worsen when indoors.
  • Lingering unpleasant odors from the HVAC system.

Professional vs. DIY:

  • While some homeowners attempt DIY duct cleaning, it’s often more effective and safer to hire a professional.
  • Professionals have the necessary equipment and expertise to perform thorough cleaning without damaging the system.


Regular HVAC system maintenance, including changing filters and keeping the area around vents clean, can help prolong the time between professional cleanings.

Environmental Considerations:

Proper disposal of debris and contaminants removed during cleaning is important to avoid environmental contamination.

Customer Satisfaction:

  • Satisfied customers often report improved air quality, reduced allergies, and a more comfortable living or working environment after air duct cleaning.
  • Remember that the effectiveness and necessity of air duct cleaning can vary from one situation to another, so it’s important to assess each case individually and consult with a professional when in doubt.